Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Paper Airplane Experiment

The Question-

Which of the three different kinds of airplanes will go the farthest?


Paper airplanes are exactly their name.  They are pieces of paper that are folded to resemble a airplane.  There are all different kinds of paper airplane but we only used three.  I have never made a good airplane but I seen some pretty cool ones.


I think the yellow airplane will fly the farthest because it is small and has a point at the end.


Materials: We used paper, a chart, tape, a pencil, paper clips, planes, and a tape measurer.

Idependent Variable: How that airplane looked.

Dependent Variable: How far the palne went.

Experiment:  We all picked a airplane and made it.  We took turns throwing our plane three times and recorded everyone results.  After that we found the average of each plane.  We also found the range, median, and mode.  We found out from the average that the red planes went the farthest and the yellow ones went the least farthest.

These are the three types of paper airplanes.

The Observation-     

Some people threw the airplane better then others and some airplanes hit the wall.  Next time we should probably do it outside or someplace where their is space.  We should also have one person throw it so it will be more fair and even.


My hypothesis was wrong.  The red airplane's average was the highest and the yellow airplanes' average was the lowest.

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